The Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund Comment

12 February 2019 SIMEC ATLANTIS ENERGY LIMITED (“Atlantis”, the “Company” or the “Group”) The Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund Comment SIMEC Atlantis Energy Limited (“Atlantis”), a diversified sustainable energy generation company, welcomes the announcement of the Scottish Government’s Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund, which was launched on the 10th February. The £10 million fund will…

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MeyGen Update

11 February 2019 SIMEC ATLANTIS ENERGY LIMITED (“Atlantis”, the “Company” or the “Group”) MeyGen Update SIMEC Atlantis Energy Limited (“Atlantis”), a diversified sustainable energy generation company, is pleased to announce that it has today awarded a contract to subsea engineering specialists ETA Limited for the manufacture and delivery of the world’s most advanced subsea tidal…

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Directorate Changes and appointment of J.P. Morgan Cazenove as Adviser and Joint Broker

The information contained in this announcement is inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596 / 2014. The person responsible for arranging the release of this announcement on behalf of Atlantis is Tim Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer of SIMEC Atlantis Energy. 22 January 2019 SIMEC ATLANTIS ENERGY LIMITED (“Atlantis”, the “Company” or the…

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Canadian FORCE Facility

The information contained in this announcement is inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596 / 2014. The person responsible for arranging the release of this announcement on behalf of Atlantis is Tim Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer of SIMEC Atlantis Energy.  19 December 2018 SIMEC Atlantis Energy Limited (“SAE” or the “Company”) Canadian…

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MeyGen Operational Update

The information contained in this announcement is inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596 / 2014. The person responsible for arranging the release of this announcement on behalf of Atlantis is Tim Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer of SIMEC Atlantis Energy. 19 December 2018 SIMEC Atlantis Energy Limited (“Atlantis” or the “Company”) MeyGen…

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€1 million Grant Award to support Atlantis turbine development programme

The information contained in this announcement is inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596 / 2014. The person responsible for arranging the release of this announcement on behalf of Atlantis is Tim Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer of SIMEC Atlantis Energy. 5 December 2018 SIMEC ATLANTIS ENERGY LIMITED (“Atlantis”, the “Company” or the…

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Proposed Acquisition of SIMEC Green Highland Renewables

23 November 2018 SIMEC Atlantis Energy Limited (“Atlantis” or the “Company”) Proposed Acquisition of SIMEC Green Highland Renewables Transaction Highlights Atlantis has conditionally agreed to acquire SIMEC Green Highland Renewables (“SIMEC GHR”) at an agreed enterprise value of £124.7 million from the SIMEC group, part of the GFG Alliance. Agreed enterprise value of £124.7 million…

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French tidal power one step closer to commercialisation as SIMEC Atlantis spearheads Normandie Hydrolienne JV

21th November 2018 SIMEC Atlantis Energy Limited (“SAE” “Atlantis” or the “Company”)  French tidal power one step closer to commercialisation as SIMEC Atlantis spearheads Normandie Hydrolienne JV Joint Venture Agreement with AD NORMANDIE DÉVELOPPEMENT and the regional investment fund NORMANDIE PARTICIPATIONS to include the development of a multi hundred-megawatt tidal stream project in Raz Blanchard,…

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Developers submit grid expansion plans for Nautilus

UK-based marine renewable energy developer SBS has submitted a preliminary grid extension feasibility study to Indonesia’s state-owned electrical utility as part of Nautilus tidal energy project development. The preliminary feasibility study, which explored the options to expand the grid on Lombok Island to accommodate the electricity that will be fed by the Nautilus tidal energy…

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Atlantis signs Heads of Terms to sell 25% shareholding in the 220MW Uskmouth Conversion Project to leading UK infrastructure fund manager, Equitix

The information contained in this announcement is inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596 / 2014. The person responsible for arranging the release of this announcement on behalf of Atlantis is Tim Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer of SIMEC Atlantis Energy. 20 November 2018 SIMEC ATLANTIS ENERGY LIMITED (“Atlantis” or the “Company”) Atlantis…

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