Battery Storage Projects

As the UK installs more intermittent electricity generation, such as offshore wind, to meet its Net Zero targets, the country needs a way of matching the peaks and troughs of electricity supply and demand.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) meet this need by storing surplus electricity when supply is greater than demand, and releasing the electricity when demand is greater than supply.

BESS’s are connected directly to the national grid, taking power from the grid to charge and exporting power to the grid when needed.

SAE projects will earn the majority of revenues from trading electricity, buying cheaply during periods of over-supply and selling at higher prices when the converse is true, and the balance of revenues from the Capacity Market and Ancillary Services.

BESS's store excess power and manage the fluctuation and intermittency of wind and solar. Put simply, we can’t achieve Net Zero without batteries.

Optimiser and trading services for the batteries which maximise revenues whilst providing SAE a guaranteed floor price for our assets will be contracted to an experienced third party.