SAE Strategy - Building a sustainable future to 2035

SAE has a clear strategy for success that will see it unlock value in the business and deliver returns for our shareholders. It’s a path to deliver a pipeline of projects that will achieve our goal of being a leading sustainable project developer, owner and operator, ensuring long-term value for our shareholders.

Our strategy directly supports UK government policy to improve energy security and achieve Net Zero by 2050.

SAE has the foundations and strategy to deliver. To achieve its goals by 2030 SAE’s strategy will be focused on:

Develop, own and operate a 207MW/414MWh battery storage project at Mey in Caithness.
Financially close 80MW of tidal capacity at MeyGen
Deliver 600MW/1,200MWh of sustainable BESS projects at Uskmouth

SAE has gained significant experience of BESS development projects at its Uskmouth site. It also knows the local area of Caithness exceptionally well having been involved there for nearly 20 years. With the large number of new wind projects in North Scotland there is demand for BESS to help manage the grid. SAE’s strategy is to use its experience to meet the demand.

SAE already has the experience, 50MW of revenue support from the CfD scheme and the project partners to deliver, and our strategy is to work closely and collaboratively alongside the Scottish Government to ensure we hit this milestone.

The Uskmouth site is arguably one of the best locations for large scale BESS in the country. SAE is the owner and operator of the site and plans to use this unique position to maximise the site

To achieve its goals by 2035 SAE’s strategy will be focused on:

Develop, own and operate 900MW/1,800MWh of 2-hour duration battery storage projects
Develop, own and operate the remainder of the MeyGen tidal site up to 398MW
Double our BESS projects capacity from 1,800MWh to 3,600MWh

SAE’s strategy is to remain focussed on maximising all the potential at the Uskmouth and Mey sites. In delivering this target SAE will become a leading Independent Power Producer in the UK and will benefit from the long-term sustainable revenue streams these assets will provide.

SAE will continue to engage with the UK Government and use its broad support base to continue to make the case for tidal stream at scale. SAE will also continue to ensure that MeyGen is at the forefront of the technology’s deployment. SAE will continue to be the world’s largest tidal stream IPP and benefit from the long term sustainable and predictable revenue streams this asset will provide.

In designing our BESS schemes SAE has sought to secure development and land rights to enable all our BESS projects to be easily augmented from 2-hour to 4-hour duration doubling the energy capacity of our assets from 1,800MWh to 3,600MWh. As intermittent renewable energy penetration increases, and fossil fuel generation reduces we expect an increase in demand for longer duration storage systems. SAE will be well placed to rapidly serve this increased demand through expansion of our BESS assets.

SAE- developing, owning and operating energy projects for the benefit of our shareholders and the planet.